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Fitria Ramadhanti, Ns.

Nurses are health workers who have responsibility for patient care based on competence and authority, either independently or in collaboration with other health teams. But the most important thing of all the services that will be provided is the importance of effective communication. Nurses are required to work with patients in accordance with the limits of existing authority, knowledge possessed, and skills possessed. These things are very important because with the knowledge, skills and behavior, nurses can increase protection for the community as providers of health services to patients.

Patients who act as users of health services expect a good attitude from a health worker, including nurses. In addition, patients also expect adequate infrastructure and a comfortable environment. One of the things that influence the attitude given by nurses while providing services is the motivation possessed by nurses. It is from this attitude that will be assessed as an indicator of the quality of nursing services. Indicators of the quality of nursing services are the main capital that makes people return to using these health facilities. Then questions will arise regarding matters that influence nurses so that they can behave well when providing services or behave not well.

In practice, the competence of clinical nurses in hospitals is described according to the level of the clinical nurse career path (PK I – PK V). competencies according to the level of clinical nurses, namely:

1. Clinical Nurse I

This is a clinical nurse level with the ability to perform basic nursing care with an emphasis on technical nursing skills under guidance. The competencies of the clinical nurse I are:

  • Carry out nursing care (assessment, establish nursing diagnoses, determine interventions and carry out nursing actions and evaluations) with the scope of basic technical skills.

  • Apply ethical, legal, and culturally sensitive principles in nursing care.

  • Perform therapeutic communication in nursing care.

  • Applying caring in nursing.

  • Implement client safety principles.

  • Apply the principles of infection control and prevention.

  • Doing teamwork in nursing care, and so on.

2. Clinical Nurse II

Is a clinical nurse level with the ability to perform holistic nursing care for clients independently and manage clients/groups of clients as a team and obtain guidance for handling advanced/complex problems. The competencies of clinical nurses II are:

  • Carry out nursing care with stages and approaches to the nursing process for clients with partial or total dependency levels of care.

  • Applying the principles of leadership in carrying out nursing care.

  • Applying the concept of managing nursing care to a group of clients.

  • Identify the level of client dependence to determine nursing interventions.

  • Determine the type of nursing intervention according to the client's level of dependence, and so on.

3. Clinical Nurse III

This is a clinical nurse level with the ability to perform comprehensive nursing care in specific areas and develop nursing services based on scientific evidence and carry out clinical learning.

4. Clinical Nurse IV

It is a clinical nurse level with the ability to perform nursing care on complex client problems in a specialty with an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary clinical governance approach, conducting research to develop nursing practice and develop clinical learning.

5. Clinical Nurse V

This is a clinical nurse level with the ability to provide clinical nursing consultations in specialist areas, conduct clinical governance in a transdisciplinary manner, conduct clinical research for the development of nursing practice, profession and education.


Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan. (2017). Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 40 Tahun 2017 Tentang Pengembangan Jenjang Karir Profesional Perawat Klinis.

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