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Elizabeth Tirta Santoso

What can Homecare Health Workers provide?

Perawat Homecare

Home Nurses are professional medical personnel with a nursing degree, Registration Certificate (STR), Certificate of Education in the World of Nursing, Practice License (SIP), and experience in nursing assignments. The task and role of home care are to ensure that the patient's needs can be met, starting from food, medicines, and other things that can be adjusted to the needs of the patients being treated.

Apart from being a nurse, one of the responsibilities and roles of a home care nurse is to provide full supervision and attention to patients. Home care nurses also have other duties, including bathing, caring for patients, and caring for patients during the recovery period. This treatment is usually only given to elderly patients or those with critical physical conditions who cannot perform their usual activities.

Home care nurses can be classified into several types based on their educational background, duties, and responsibilities. In general, home health nurses consist of the following types:

  1. Elderly partners/planners and senior caregivers have at least one SMK training focused on health care or nursing qualifications and practice caring for or accompanying the elderly.

  2. Home Care Nurse has at least a D3/S1 health education, STR degree, and nursing experience.

  3. Nurses for mothers and children who have at least midwifery training and experience in midwifery and have STR and SIP licenses to practice.

The task of home care in improving the health welfare of the Indonesian people is to provide quality medical care services to patients in their own homes. The following are some home care tasks that can help improve the health welfare of the Indonesian people:

  1. Providing quality medical care: Homecare medical personnel, such as nurses and doctors, can provide quality medical care to patients in their homes. This can increase patient access to medical care and ensure that the care provided meets patient needs.

  2. Increase involvement of family and close friends: In homecare services, family and close friends can be actively involved in patient care. This can help increase social support and help patients feel more connected to their loved ones, which can help improve overall well-being.

  3. Facilitate monitoring of patients' health conditions: Homecare medical personnel can facilitate regular monitoring of patient's health conditions and provide reports on the progress of patients' health conditions to families and treating doctors. This can help ensure that the medical care meets the patient's needs and helps prevent health complications.

  4. Providing medical equipment: Homecare can also help provide medical equipment patients need in their homes, such as breathing apparatus, blood pressure monitors, etc. This can help improve patient access to medical devices and help ensure that the care provided meets patient needs.

Overall, the task of home care in improving the health welfare of the Indonesian people is to provide quality medical care services and ensure that patients receive medical care according to their needs.


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